The mobileX-Release Monitor
A field service management or maintenance system should speed up processes in the company and make them more efficient. However, a problem arises in the case of incorrect entries by the technicians: Since the confirmations are booked directly in the specialist modules of SAP, cancellations are very time-consuming. The mobileX-Release Monitor offers the office staff the possibility to control incoming reports on the basis of predefined criteria and to correct them in consultation with the technician if necessary.
mobileX-Release Monitor prevents incorrect bookings
Although usually more than 85 per cent of the orders lead directly to the invoice, there are still ambiguities in the service report for the remaining 15 per cent. These can be, for example, inconsistent time-related feedback or ambiguities regarding the cost type.
Efficient control for the in-house service
Based on predefined exclusion criteria, these confirmations are routed to the mobileX-Release Monitor. As an intermediate instance between the field service and SAP, it offers the in-house service an efficient control before the final posting. The office staff can display the orders to be reprocessed, including order details, in a list and adjust or supplement incorrect or missing data. The mobileX-Release Monitor for mobileX-CrossMIP and mobileX-MIP for Field Service is directly integrated into SAP so that the service report can be released for posting in SAP after correcting the incorrect entry.
Criteria for the outplacement
The criteria according to which the incoming reports are controlled in the mobileX-Release Monitor can be individually defined. Possible uses of the mobileX-Release Monitor are incorrect entries or changes to:
- time confirmations
- Material confirmations
- Measured values
- Long texts
- Codes
Possible applications of the mobileX-Release Monitor
The use of the mobileX-Release Monitor for mobileX-CrossMIP or mobileX-MIP for Field Service is particularly helpful in the introduction phase. This helps to prevent incorrect bookings due to insufficient experience with the tool at an early stage. New employees can also be easily introduced to the tool without risking incorrect bookings.
The mobileX-Release Monitor promotes more efficient field service management as it:
- prevents time-consuming cancellation work in SAP
- noticeably optimises the data quality of mobile confirmations
- noticeably accelerates the creation of billing documents through effective post-processing of service reports
- offers flexible displays and allows data (worklist, screen tabs, screen fields) to be edited
- makes customer enhancements implementable
- makes functionalities in the FGM controllable via authorisations
- enables change documents and blocking mechanisms
- allows jumps to dependent master data and transaction data