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About us

Founded in 2000, mobileX GmbH has been a subsidiary of the Solvares Group, the European champion for resource optimization, since June 2022.

Our know-how and many years of experience make us one of the leading providers in the area of resource planning and mobile solutions for technical service and maintenance. We develop all solutions in-house. Our well-established team is constantly growing.


All our colleagues have in-depth, up-to-date knowledge. At events and further education we are constantly learning. Where we ourselves are not experts, our partners complement us with their know-how and their solutions.


In nearly twenty years we have built up a broad and deep competence in the area of resource planning and mobile solutions for technical service and maintenance. This includes projects with companies of different sizes and sectors – both nationally and internationally.


Experienced IT architects, project managers and SAP experts work together with highly qualified up-and-coming talents. Long employee loyalty and healthy growth speak for our corporate culture.


mobileX was founded in 2000 with the goal of developing a mobile solution for field technicians that replaces paper-based processes. That is how we developed our first product, mobileX-MIP for Field Service. In order to digitize the deployment planning of the technicians in service and maintenance, we soon developed mobileX-Dispatch, the software for dispatchers. Since 2016, the mobileX-CrossMIP service app has complemented our portfolio.

We develop all our solutions in-house and are constantly working to make them even more powerful and user-friendly.

mobileX is owner-managed until today, with company and development headquarters in Munich. For the most part, we support customers with headquarters in the DACH region. But our solutions are in use in over 40 countries worldwide – with an upward trend. These include major international corporations, medium-sized companies and hidden champions in the fields of plant construction and mechanical engineering, medical technology, energy supply, facility management, IT and telecommunications. In our annual survey, our customers have been confirming their high satisfaction with our products, our service and our employees for more than ten years.

What makes us stand out

What makes us special is the sum of our strengths, which we have proven in over 20 years on the market. This is reflected in our team, our products and our customers.

Our USPs
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The mobileX team consists of highly qualified colleagues. Experienced IT architects, project managers and SAP experts work together with up-and-coming talents. The average length of company affiliation of our colleagues is 6.3 years. This is a very good value in our continuous growth.

Through our membership in industry associations, we are always in direct contact with our customers. At events, we learn first-hand about the topics, trends and challenges that move them. mobileX is a member of the following associations:


Making technical service and maintenance more efficient is our goal. In order to achieve this, we look closely at the processes and requirements of our customers and individually adapt our standard solutions. Thus, we help our customers in service and maintenance to stay competitive with contemporary and field-tested software. We attach great importance to sustainability: A project does not end with the rollout, but goes beyond the GoLive – with support, operation and continuous optimization.

Company brochure

You can get a compact overview of mobileX in our company brochure, which you can download here as a PDF file.

Download here


Hannes Heckner, CEO

Hannes Heckner, Managing Director

Hannes Heckner is one of the co-founders of mobileX. Today, as managing director he is responsible for sales and marketing.

“With our experience and expertise, we offer companies real added value and thus competitive advantages.”

Holger Schif, Managing Director

Holger Schif co-founded the mobileX in 2000. In his role as managing director he leads the product development of the company.

“My goal is to continously improve our solutions.”

Matthias Stöcklein, COO

Matthias Stöcklein, Managing Director

Matthias Stöcklein joined mobileX in 2008. As managing director he leads the Professional Services department and is responsible for Human Resources.

“The satisfaction of my colleagues and our customers is my first priority.”


To complement our solutions and enhance our consulting expertise for our clients, we work closely with partners. Our network includes partnerships to integrate our solutions into our customers’ back-end systems (SAP, Microsoft, Orbis, mobileBlox), hardware (Panasonic) vendors and extensions to our solutions such as parts catalogs, fleet management and mapping. We also work together with consulting companies.

Here is a list of our partners and descriptions of partner solutions that companies can optionally integrate into our products.