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Wolf Heiztechnik

Wolf GmbH is a leading and innovative system provider of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and solar technology. With mobile solutions and field service management, Wolf Heiztechnik is able to make optimal use of its field service team.

Wolf Heiztechnik is the European market leader in air-handling units and a leading provider of heating technology. The company has a team of over 50 technicians in customer service. In the past, job data was sent to field service employees by phone. Resource planning during the day was handled by the technician directly.

Service technician with mobileX-MIP for Field Service

For customers, this was unsatisfactory. Scheduling by phone often led to long wait times and lots of questions for customers.  When transferring job data, the technician had to enter the manual service reports and material requirements that had been previously documented on paper in the computer in order to update them in SAP. This resulted in about a half-hour of extra work per job for scheduling and confirmation in SAP.
In an effort to minimise the extra time required, increase customer satisfaction, and optimise routing for technicians, Wolf Heiztechnik decided in 2010 to introduce the field service management Suite from mobileX.

With mobileX-MIP for Field Service technicians now obtain all of the important job data flexibly on their laptops while on the road. Technicians can create the service report right on their laptop and thus complete the job operation while still on site. Thanks to the online capability, the technician can also continue entering data even without a network connection, for example when working in the basement. As soon as the network connection is restored, the job data is transmitted automatically in the background.

Thanks to mobileX-Dispatch there are no more long wait times for customers in scheduling. The graphical resource planning of mobileX provides a clear overview of the current job situation, which allows the dispatcher to contact the customer quickly. mobileX-Dispatch also allows for an even distribution of workload to technicians: In the mobileX dispatching tool, resource planning can see which technicians have an open slot in their schedule. Dispatchers can send help from the neighbouring areas to relieve overloaded technicians.

With the introduction of mobileX-MIP for Field Service media discontinuities have become a thing of the past at Wolf Heiztechnik. Technicians create their job report on site on their laptops. The data entered goes directly to the office-based staff and is updated in SAP.  In resource planning mobileX-Dispatch provides a clear overview, quick customer service, and optimised routing. Wolf Heiztechnik also plans in the future to manage its materials management with MobileX-MIP for Field Service.

Since 2016, Wolf subsidiaries Dreyer & Bosse and Kuntschar and Schlüter have also been using mobileX-Dispatch and mobileX-MIP for Field Service for their dispatchers and service technicians.

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The WOLF Group is one of the leading suppliers of heating and ventilation systems. Together with its parent company CENTROTEC SE, it is a leading full-range supplier of energy-saving solutions in the field of building technology. With around 2,100 employees, nine subsidiaries and 60 sales partners in more than 50 countries, WOLF has an international presence. The expert for a healthy indoor climate offers future-proof products such as heat pumps and ventilation systems for single-family and multi-family homes, office buildings and industrial environments. The company underlines this claim with the clear statement: “WOLF – Fully tuned to me.” For more information, visit