Vorarlberger Energienetze
As a regional utility company, Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH is always connected with the region, but it also has to contend with national competition. With the implementation of mobile solutions and field service management software, Vorarlberger Energienetze optimises maintenance without compromising quality.
As part of a large restructuring program at Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH, the decision was made to streamline many processes, including in network construction and maintenance. In many divisions it was always necessary to deal with large numbers of forms and time-consuming entry of paper reports. In the past technicians had to pick up their job assignments each morning at the office and drop them off there in the evening. In introducing a mobile solution and field service management software, the goal was to optimise this process.
With mobileX-MIP for Field Service, technicians receive their job assignments right on their company laptop – whether at home or on the road. Now they are able to access all important information during an on-site assignment.
Technicians can now enter extensive data during the job, for example on the system status via meter readings and notifications. When additional errors are observed in an object in the system, these can be reported directly to office-based staff (here via: SAP PM notification). The group leader can also input work times for co-workers and vehicles in addition to his or her confirmations.
Together with the mobile workplace, Vorarlberger Energienetze also implemented the graphical resource planning solution mobileX-Dispatch. This is being used not only for scheduling assignments in the area, but planning routes for meter readers as well. All scheduling actions – both from maintenance and metering – are centralised by VKW in a single tool.
Vorarlberger Energienetze was also able to significantly improve its maintenance by implementing a mobile solution and field service management software. Efficiency in job completion was improved on a consistent basis, primarily due to the reduction in manual work.
In 2012, metering (meter reading, periodic replacement, etc.) is being mobilised using mobileX-MIP for Metering. For this VKW is using smartphones with an Android operating system.
Rodundwerk II - Restoration work

Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH is the largest distribution network operator of an electricity and gas distribution network in Vorarlberg. They supply 93 of 96 municipalities in Vorarlberg with their electricity grid and 36 municipalities with their gas grid. The number of customers in the electricity network is around 190,000 and in the gas network around 30,000. It also operates a 110 kV network in the neighbouring Allgäu region with 3 transformer stations. Vorarlberger Energienetze is a 100% subsidiary of Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG. The balance sheet total for the 2013 financial year is around EUR 207 m. The equity share of this is around 24 %.