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Empolis Information Management GmbH

mobileX ist Empolis Partner

Empolis is currently included in EContent’s list of the “100 Top Companies in the Digital Content Industry”, in “KMWorld’s 100 Companies That Matter In Knowledge Management”, and in „DBTA 100: The Companies That Matter Most in Data“, all at the same time. This clearly reinforces Empolis’ approach of uniquely combining knowledge and content management according to the Empolis motto “the right information, at the right time, to the right person, on the desired device.” Empolis was also named “Big Data Leader 2015” by the Experton Group.

Many notable national and international companies and public sector institutions rely on Empolis solutions, based on more than 25 years of industry and process experience. Worlwide there are currently about 500 Empolis installations and every day about 620.000 professional users benefit from Empolis solutions to service about 34 million end users.